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Chemical Engineering and Chemistry

The Album Academicum provides an overview of TU/e emeriti. Below is a list of emeriti, listed according to departments. For questions or suggestions, please see contact details below.
door Jannelies Smit 19 juni 2024
P.J. (Piet) Lemstra (Godlinze (Groningen), 26 oktober 1946), bijnaam PLEM, is een Nederlands hoogleraar scheikunde. Prof. dr. Lemstra promoveerde aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in 1975. Vervolgens was hij post-doctoraal fellow aan de Universiteit van Bristol (UK) onder professor Andrew Keller. Van 1976 tot 1985 werkte hij bij DSM Research waar hij samen met Paul Smith de supersterke vezel Dyneema heeft ontwikkeld. In 1985 werd Lemstra hoogleraar aan de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Van 1990 tot 1995 was hij voor de eerste maal decaan van de faculteit Scheikundige Technologie. Van 1994-1997 was Lemstra directeur van de onderzoeksschool Polymeren (PTN) en in 1997 richtte hij samen met professor het (DPI) op, waar hij tot 2004 werkte als wetenschappelijk directeur. In 2004 richtte hij met de op ten behoeve van de samenwerking met het MKB. In februari 2008 werd Lemstra (tot en met maart 2011) wederom decaan. Op 30 september 2011 hield hij -na ruim een kwart eeuw aan de TU/e-zijn afscheidscollege. Daarna ging hij aan de slag in China. Zie ook: Piet Lemstra - Wikipedia About - Plempolco B.V.
Prof.Dr. J.W. (Hans) Niemantsverdriet (1951)
door Jannelies Smit 22 april 2022
Hans Niemantsverdriet (Amsterdam 1951) studied Experimental Physics at the Free University (1978) and obtained his PhD in Technical Sciences from the Delft University of Technology (1983). In 1984 he received a ZWO Huygensfellowship, for spending 5 years at TU/e in the Laboratory Prof Roel Prins (Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry), with stays abroad at the University of München and the Fritz-Haber Institute, Berlin. In 1989, Hans was appointed Associate Professor at TU/e, and Full Professor in 1999. Assisted by NWO-Pionier and NWO-Groot grants, he built up an extensive surface science laboratory and formed a research group on the theme Physical Chemistry of Surfaces in Catalysis. He supervised 27 PhD students as First Promotor, and 5 as co-promotor. From 2001 - 2007, Hans served as Dean of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry, as the successor of Prof Ruud Metselaar. In this capacity he also represented TU/e in international committees such as CLUSTER and CESAER, and the EuroTech Group. In 2012 Hans became Dean of the TU/e Graduate School, with the task to design a plan for this new organization. When ready (end of 2014) Hans partly retired and resumed his passion, namely fundamental research in catalysis and surface science. Hans did sabbaticals at Purdue University, Berkeley, and DTU, was visiting professor in several universities in the world (Helsinki University of Technology, UDCT Mumbai, EPFL Lausanne, METU Ankara, Tianjin University) and scientific advisor in Singapore, Japan, Finland, Turkey and South Africa. From 1996-2016, Hans served as Associated and Full Editor of the Journal of Catalysis, by then the flagship journal of the field. Hans published about 330 scientific articles, and two books, Spectroscopy in Catalysis (Wiley 1993) and Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics (together with Ib Chorkendorff; Wiley 2003), which both became worldwide adapted texts for education in catalysis. At present, Hans is Honorary Professor at Cardiff University (2013), Jiangsu University (2016) and the University of Cape Town (2018), while Aalto University (the former Helsinki University of Technology) appointed him Doctor Honoris Causa in October 2014. Since 2013, Hans established his own research company, Syngaschem BV, which was formed with financial support from Synfuels China Technology Co., Ltd. Together with its Director, Prof Yongwang Li, Hans planned and built the Research Institute SynCat@Beijing in Beijing-Huairou, and a partner laboratory SynCat@DIFFER in Eindhoven. The two laboratories focus on fundamental surface studies, photocatalysis (Beijing) and electrocatalysis (Eindhoven). Associated with the SynCat Labs is the SynCat Ac@demy, offering courses in catalysis, surface science, and scientific leadership development. Hans serves as scientific director of the SynCat organisation, until the end of 2023. Links:
4 augustus 2020
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Naam Prof.dr. R. Metselaar (Ruud) (1936 - ) Opleiding/achtergrond Opleiding aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, afstudeerrichting Fysische Chemie Promotie 1967 op dissertatie Lattice vibrations of solid solutions Medewerker Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium 1967-1976 Nevenwerkzaamheid: Wetenschappelijk directeur Centrum voor Technische Keramiek TNO/TPD – TUE 1985-2001 Fellow American Ceramic Society; member Academy of Ceramics Publicaties over: defectchemie van oxidische materialen; bereiding en fysische eigenschappen van oxynitriden en nitriden Benoeming aan de TU/e 1967 Lector resp. hoogleraar Fysische Chemie TU Eindhoven 1967-2001 Decaan Scheikundige technologie 1995-2001 Intreerede: Leven met fouten J  aar van emeritaaat: 1976 Afscheidrede: Over klei en technische keramiek
4 augustus 2020
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Naam Prof.dr. P.J.A.M. (Piet) Kerkhof (1945 – 2015) Loopbaan 1970 ingenieursdiploma THE 1975 promotie op drogen van aromahoudende levensmiddelen 1977-1987 onderzoeker NIZO, Ede; docent HTS Breda; UD LUW, Wageningen; sectieleider TPF Gist-brocades, Delft; 1988-2010 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Benoeming TU/e: 1988 Leerstoel: Fysische Technologie Aandachtsgebieden: multicomponent transportverschijnselen, moleculaire scheidingsprocessen (adsorptie, drogen, membraanscheiding), implementatie van wetenschap in industriële processen. Intreerede 1989: Scheiding en overdracht: van mensen, moleculen en magie Jaar van emeritaat: 2010 Afscheidscollege 2011: Over grenzen
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