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Electrical Engineering

The Album Academicum provides an overview of TU/e emeriti. Below is a list of emeriti, listed according to departments. For questions or suggestions, please see contact details below.
door C.W.T. Rikmans 13 maart 2025
Henk Corporaal is Professor in Embedded System Architectures at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in The Netherlands. He has gained a BSc and MSc in Theoretical Physics from the University of Groningen, and a PhD (cum laude) in Electrical Engineering, in the area of Computer Architecture, from Delft University of Technology. His research is on low power multi-processor, heterogenous processing architectures, their programmability, and the predictable design of soft- and hard real-time systems. This includes research and design of embedded system architectures, like CGRAs, SIMD, VLIW and GPUs, on accelerators, the exploitation of all kinds of parallelism, fault-tolerance, approximate computing, energy-efficient architectures for machine and deep learning, optimizations and mapping of deep learning networks, and the (semi-)automated mapping of applications to these architectures. Corporaal has co-authored over 600 journal and conference papers. He supervised more than 50 PhD and 200 Master thesis students at KULeuven, TUDelft and TUEindhoven. Furthermore, he invented a new class of VLIW architectures, the Transport Triggered Architectures, which is used in several commercial products, and by many research groups. He participated in more than 50 projects. Among them he initiated and led the Dutch NWO perspectief program on Efficient Deep Learning (; in this program many research institutes and over 30 companies participated. He also is the PI of the EU project CONVOLVE ( on seamless design of smart edge processors, with 19 partners. For many years Corporaal was chair of the exam board of Electrical Engineering, vice-chair of the exam board of Embedded Systems, and Scientific Director of DTI, the Design Technology Institute from TUE and NUS (Singapore). For more details see and linkedin . A.H.M. van Roermund
door Jannelies Smit 18 oktober 2021
Faculteit Electrical Engineering Leerstoel Mixed-signal Microelectronics Opleiding: • TUD, Elektrotechniek, 1970-1975, MSc • PhD, KU Leuven, 1987 Aanstellingen: • Philips Natlab, 1975-1992 • TUD, leerstoel Analoge Elektronica, 1992-1999 • TU/e, leerstoel Mixed-signal Microelectronics, 1999-2017 Lees verder: Arthur H.M. van Roermund is currently emeritus professor at Eindhoven University (TU/e), since Sept 2017. He was chairman of the Mixed-signal Microelectronics (MsM) group at TU/e from October 1999 to January 2017. He was born in Delft, The Netherlands, in 1951. He received his M.Sc. degree in EE in 1975 from Delft University of Technology and his Ph.D. degree in Applied Sciences from K.U.Leuven, Belgium, in 1987. From 1975 to 1992 he was with Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven. From 1992 to 1999 he has been a full professor at the EE department of Delft University of Technology, chairman of the Electronics Research Group, member of the management team of DIMES, and chairman of a post-graduate school. From 1992 to 1997 he was also consultant to Philips. October 1999 he joined Eindhoven University of Technology as chairman of the Mixed-signal Microelectronics group. From 2002 to 2012 he was member of the Board of the EE Department, with portfolio research. From 2009 to 2012 member of the supervisory board of the NRC Photonics research center. He was chairman of the board of ProRISC (the microelectronics platform in the Netherlands) from 1999 to 2012, and vice chair of IPN, the ICT-research Platform for the Netherlands, from 2000 to 2012. From 2001 till end of 2012 he was co-organizer of the yearly workshop on Advanced Analog Circuit Design (AACD). In 2007 he was member of an international assessment panel for the Department of Electronics and Information of Politecnico di Milano, Italy; in 2009 for Electronics and Electrical Engineering for the merged Aalto University Finland; and in 2012 for KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. He was a member of the advisory committee for Latvian Institute of Electronics and Computer Science in 2015. In 2004 he achieved the highest award for technical science in the Netherlands, the ‘Simon Stevin Meester’ award, together with 500.000€, for his scientific and technological achievements. He has over 700 publications, 30 books and is co-editor of another 12 books.
4 augustus 2020
Electrical Engineering Prof. G.D. (Djan) Khoe (1946) Giok-Djan Khoe was born in Magelang, Indonesia, on July 22, 1946. He received the degree of Elektrotechnisch Ingenieur, cum laude, from the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 1971. He started research at the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) Laboratory on Plasma Physics, Rijnhuizen. In 1973 he moved to the Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven to start pioneering work in the area of optical fiber communication systems and components. In 1983 he became part time professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. He became a full professor at the same University in 1994 and served as chairman of the Department of Telecommunication Technology and Electromagnetics (TTE) until 2008. He has 41 United States Patents and has authored and co-authored more than 350 papers, including 75 invited papers and chapters in 6 books. His professional activities include many conferences, where he has served in technical, management and advisory committees as a member or chairman. Recently, he was general co-chair of the ECOC in 2008. His journal activities include involvements as associate editor for the Journal of Lightwave Technologies and the Journal of Quantum Electronics and as a member of the advisory board or as reviewer of other journals. In Europe, he was closely involved in Research Programs of the European Community and in Dutch national research programs, as participant, evaluator, auditor and program committee member. He is one of the founders of the Dutch COBRA University Research Institute and one of the three recipients of the prestigious “Top Research Institute Photonics” grant that is awarded to COBRA in 1998 by the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. In 2001 he brought 4 groups together to start a new international alliance called the European Institute on Telecommunication Technologies (eiTT). He has served in The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Photonic Society organisation as President (2003), European Representative in the Board of Governors, VP Finance & Administration, Board of Governors Elected Member and Member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Benelux Section. He was the founder of the IEEE Photonic Society Benelux Chapter. He has been an IEEE Fellow since 1991 and received the MOC/GRIN award in 1997. He is an invited member of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering and Innovation (AcTI-nl) since 1999 and became a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) in 2007. On the occasion of his farewell symposium at the Technical University in 2011, Professor Khoe was appointed Officer in the Order of the Oranje-Nassau in Royal recognition of his outstanding services to science.
21 juli 2020
Naam Jan E.W. Beneken   Test pdf link Opleiding/achtergrond Mede oprichter, met Prof.dr. J.F. Schouten, van het dwarsverband binnen de TUE: Biomedische en Gezondheids Techniek (BMGT) in 1974. 1982-1990, voorzitter van de COMAC-BME. Een coördinatie commissie van de Europese Commissie voor het onderzoeksgebied “Biomedical Engineering” binnen de Europese Unie. Mede oprichter van de European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM). 1984-2000, deeltijdshoogleraar in het Department of Anesthesiology of the University of Florida Medical School in Gainesville, Florida. Voornaamste activiteit was, met steun van afstudeerders van de faculteit E van de TUE, werken aan de ontwikkeling van een patiënten simulator voor training van anesthesisten en van werkers in “emergency care”. Initiatiefnemer voor de oprichting van de Stichting Platform Medische Technologie (1996); een samenwerkingsverband tussen kennisinstellingen, de gezondheidszorg en de industrie. Later is deze stichting opgegaan in Syntens.   Benoeming aan de TU/e: 1973 Leerstoel Medische Elektrotechniek, TUE, 1973-1995 Decaan, faculteit Elektrotechniek, 1993-1995. Intreerede: Meten, regelen en gezondheidszorg (6 juni 1975)   Jaar van emeritaat: 1995 Afscheidscollege: People and medical technology (24 maart 1995)  Publicaties Jan E.W. Beneken, The European Society for Engineering and Medicine (ESEM) fills a need in Europe. In: Technology and Health Care, 1 (1993) 5-9.
21 juli 2020
Naam H. (Hans) J. Butterweck (1932 - 2021) Benoeming aan de TU/e 1967 Intreerede: “ Netwerksynthese en de taak van de ingenieur ”, 1968 Jaar van emeritaat 1994 Afscheidscollege: " Meer dan mensenwerk " 1999 Publicaties Boek: Elektische netwerken, Het Spectrum 1974, EAN 9789027475558
Prof.dr. H. Feitsma
8 juli 2020
Naam Bax, M.F.Th. (Thijs) (1935 - ) Opleiding/achtergrond 1965 - 1970 Stichting Architecten Research, Voorburg / Eindhoven 1970 - 1975 De Jong, van Olphen, Bax, Architecten en Ingenieurs, Maarssen 1976 - 1996 Hoogleraar THE / TUE, waarvan 12 jaar als decaan, daarna nog enkele jaren voorzitter van het Stan Ackermans Instituut (SAI) 1976 - 2003 Adviseur Architectuur - Stedebouw, Eindhoven. Bouwprojecten o.a. in Egypte (New Ameriyah City) en China (Macao), en opleidingsprojecten m.n. voor de EFTA-landen. Benoeming aan de TU/e 1977 Faculteit Bouwkunde Leerstoel: Architectonisch ontwerpen Aandachtsgebied en interesse: Filosofie en theorie van architectuur en onderwijs, meer in het bijzonder volgens de wijsbegeerte van Charles S.Peirce (in samenwerking met H.Trum en D.Nauta). Intreerede: 3x3=9, ieder zingt zijn eigen lied , 17 juni 1977 Jaar van emeritaat 1996 Afscheidsrede: De rijkdom van architectuur, Terug naar de Bouwkunde , 6 december 1996.  Publicaties Thijs Bax, 'Domeinen van Architectuur - in een Peirceaanse Ontwikkelingsperspectief', in 'Bringing the World into Culture', edited by Piet Lombaerde, International Symposion on Comparative Methodologies in Architecture, Art, Design and Science, University Press Antwerp, 2009, pp 156 - 177  
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