door Jannelies Smit
24 november 2021
Cees Midden received a degree in Psychology from the University of Leiden in 1976. From 1978 till 1987 he worked as a senior researcher at the National Laboratories for Energy research in the Netherlands specializing in the perception of energy risks. In 1987 he became Associate Professor at the Psychology Department of Leiden University. In 1991 he was appointed professor at Eindhoven University, specializing in the interaction between humans and technological systems. From 1993 until 2013 he chaired the group Human Technology Interaction at TU/e. He served as dean of the department in 1994-1995. In addition, he served three periods as vice-dean. From 1993-1999 he served as the first chair of the TU/e program Technology for Sustainability. Prof Midden has been a member of various professional organizations such as the Society for Risk Analysis, the European Association of Social Psychology and the International Association of Applied Psychology. His research focus is on the social and psychological factors of human- technology interactions. He published extensively on environmental consumer behavior, on the perception and communication of technological risks and the adoption of technological innovations. Special topics of interest have been trust in sociotechnical systems, emotional and automatic components of judgment and behavioral choice, and the development of persuasive technologies and environments.