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door Jannelies Smit 6 oktober 2020
Benoeming aan de TU/e: 1988 Jaar van emeritaat: 2013
4 augustus 2020
Mathematics and Computer Science Naam Prof. dr. F.E.J. (Frans) Kruseman Aretz (1933) Opleiding/achtergrond 1933: geboren te Malang (Java) 1952: eindexamen bèta, Vossius Gymnasium Amsterdam 1960: doctoraal examen theoretische natuurkunde, UvA 1962: promotie wiskunde en natuurwetenschappen, UvA: "Moment expansions in the theory of coöperatieve phenomena" 1960-1962: medewerker Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie 1962-1965: medewerker rekenafdeling Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam 1965-1969: souschef rekenafdeling Mathematisch Centrum 1966-1970: bijzonder hoogleraar aan de UvA vanwege de Stichting voor Hoger Onderwijs in de Toegepast Wiskunde, opdracht: theorie van het programmeren van rekenautomaten 1967: inaugurele rede UvA: "Vallen en Opstaan" 1969-1993 medewerker Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven Benoeming aan de TU/e: 1971 1971-1995 buitengewoon (= deeltijds) hoogleraar aan de TU/e, opdracht: informatica Jaar van emeritaat: 1995 Afscheidscollege: "33 jaar beoefening van de informatica" Overig 7 maal eerste promotor, 7 maal tweede promotor Interessegebieden: automaten, programmeertalen, programma-ontwerp, parsing, compilers, geschiedenis van de wiskunde en de informatica. Publicaties "On deriving a LISP program from its specification", Science of Computer Programming 10 (1988) 19-32. "On a recursive ascent parser", Information Processing Letters 29 (1988) 201--206. "A comparison between the ALGOL 60 implementations on the Electrologica X1 and the Electrologica X8", CWI-Note SEN-E0801, Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica 2008.
4 augustus 2020
Mechanical Engineering Prof.dr. C. (Chris) W.J. van Koppen (1927-2014) Opleiding/achtergrond Vliegtuigbouwkundig ir. TUD 1951  Wetenschappelijk medewerker TUD 1951-1953   N.V. Werkspoor A’dam1953-1956  Centraal Proefstation Staatsmijnen 1956-1964   Centraal Laboratorium 1964-1971  Hoogleraar Energie Technologie TU/e 1971 – 1990  Deeltijd Hoogleraar Verbranding TUD 1980 – 1988   Benoeming aan de TU/e: 1971 Intreerede, 29 september 1972: Hete hangijzers   Jaar van emeritaat: 1988 Afscheidscollege, 16 november 1990: De laatste vraag   Voormalige nevenfuncties: Gastdocent in Hatfield Polytechnik UK; Technische Universität Stuttgart; Universita di Roma; Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesië; Xián University en Wohan Institut of Technology, China.   Lid/voorzitter van Commissies: Mehrphasen Strömung V.G.C.; European Two Phase Flow Group; Voorbereiding Nationaal programma Zonne-energie; Energiebesparing in Gebouwde Omgeving; Vereniging Zonne-energie ISES Nederland; Onderzoek Adviesraad VEG-Gasinstituut; Internationaal Solar Energy Society  
4 augustus 2020
Electrical Engineering Prof. G.D. (Djan) Khoe (1946) Giok-Djan Khoe was born in Magelang, Indonesia, on July 22, 1946. He received the degree of Elektrotechnisch Ingenieur, cum laude, from the Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in 1971. He started research at the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM) Laboratory on Plasma Physics, Rijnhuizen. In 1973 he moved to the Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven to start pioneering work in the area of optical fiber communication systems and components. In 1983 he became part time professor at Eindhoven University of Technology. He became a full professor at the same University in 1994 and served as chairman of the Department of Telecommunication Technology and Electromagnetics (TTE) until 2008. He has 41 United States Patents and has authored and co-authored more than 350 papers, including 75 invited papers and chapters in 6 books. His professional activities include many conferences, where he has served in technical, management and advisory committees as a member or chairman. Recently, he was general co-chair of the ECOC in 2008. His journal activities include involvements as associate editor for the Journal of Lightwave Technologies and the Journal of Quantum Electronics and as a member of the advisory board or as reviewer of other journals. In Europe, he was closely involved in Research Programs of the European Community and in Dutch national research programs, as participant, evaluator, auditor and program committee member. He is one of the founders of the Dutch COBRA University Research Institute and one of the three recipients of the prestigious “Top Research Institute Photonics” grant that is awarded to COBRA in 1998 by the Netherlands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. In 2001 he brought 4 groups together to start a new international alliance called the European Institute on Telecommunication Technologies (eiTT). He has served in The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Photonic Society organisation as President (2003), European Representative in the Board of Governors, VP Finance & Administration, Board of Governors Elected Member and Member of the Executive Committee of the IEEE Benelux Section. He was the founder of the IEEE Photonic Society Benelux Chapter. He has been an IEEE Fellow since 1991 and received the MOC/GRIN award in 1997. He is an invited member of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering and Innovation (AcTI-nl) since 1999 and became a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) in 2007. On the occasion of his farewell symposium at the Technical University in 2011, Professor Khoe was appointed Officer in the Order of the Oranje-Nassau in Royal recognition of his outstanding services to science.
4 augustus 2020
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry Naam Prof.dr. P.J.A.M. (Piet) Kerkhof (1945 – 2015) Loopbaan 1970 ingenieursdiploma THE 1975 promotie op drogen van aromahoudende levensmiddelen 1977-1987 onderzoeker NIZO, Ede; docent HTS Breda; UD LUW, Wageningen; sectieleider TPF Gist-brocades, Delft; 1988-2010 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Benoeming TU/e: 1988 Leerstoel: Fysische Technologie Aandachtsgebieden: multicomponent transportverschijnselen, moleculaire scheidingsprocessen (adsorptie, drogen, membraanscheiding), implementatie van wetenschap in industriële processen. Intreerede 1989: Scheiding en overdracht: van mensen, moleculen en magie Jaar van emeritaat: 2010 Afscheidscollege 2011: Over grenzen
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