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Prof.dr. G.W.M. (Matthias) Rauterberg
door Jannelies Smit 13 juni 2022
Prof. Dr Matthias Rauterberg, Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) [ PDF ] G.W. Matthias Rauterberg received a B.S. in Psychology (1978) at the University of Marburg (Germany), a B.A. in Philosophy (1981) and a B.S. in Computer Science (1983), a M.S. in Psychology (1981) and a M.S. in Computer Science (1986) at the University of Hamburg (Germany), and a Ph.D. in Computer Science/ Mathematics (1995) at the University of Zurich (Switzerland).  He was a adjunct professor for ‘usability engineering’ in computer science and industrial engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, where later he was heading the Man-Machine Interaction research group (MMI). Since 1998 he is fulltime professor for ‘Human Communication Technology’ first at IPO, Center for User System Interaction Research, and later at the Department of Industrial Design at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e, The Netherlands). From 1999 till 2001 he was director of IPO. From 2006 till 2016 he was the head of the Designed Intelligence research group at the department of Industrial Design of the TU/e. He was the Swiss representative in the IFIP TC13 on ‘Human Computer Interaction’ (1994-2002) and the chairman of the IFIP WG13.1 on ‘HCI and Education’ (1998-2004). He is now the Dutch representative in the IFIP TC14 on ‘Entertainment Computing’ and was the founding vice-chair of this TC14 (since 2006). He was elected as IFIP TC14 chair for the term 2013-2017. He was also the chair of the IFIP WG14.3 on ‘Entertainment Theory’ (2004-2012). He was appointed as visiting professor at Kwansei Gakuin University (Japan) (2004-2007). He was guest professor of School of Design at Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China (2012-2015), at East China University of Sciene and Technology, Shanghai, China (2013-2016), and at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (2020). He received the German GI-HCI Award for the best Ph.D. in 1997 and the Swiss Technology Award for the BUILD-IT system in 1998. In 2007 he got the Silver Core Award from IFIP, and since 2020 he is elected Fellow of IFIP. In 2004 he was nominated as a member of the ‘Cream of Science’ in the Netherlands (the 200 top-level Dutch researchers) and amongst the 10 top-level TU/e scientists. He has over 500 publications in international journals, conference proceedings, books, etc. He acts also as editor and member of the editorial board of several leading international journals. He is co-editor-in-chief of the international journal "Entertainment Computing" (Elsevier). Since 2021 he is retired and professor emeritus at TU/e. Links: Researchgate - LinkedIn – TU/ eProf. Dr Matthias Rauterberg, Eindhoven University of Technology (Netherlands) [ PDF ] A.H.M. van Roermund
door Jannelies Smit 18 oktober 2021
Faculteit Electrical Engineering Leerstoel Mixed-signal Microelectronics Opleiding: • TUD, Elektrotechniek, 1970-1975, MSc • PhD, KU Leuven, 1987 Aanstellingen: • Philips Natlab, 1975-1992 • TUD, leerstoel Analoge Elektronica, 1992-1999 • TU/e, leerstoel Mixed-signal Microelectronics, 1999-2017 Lees verder: Arthur H.M. van Roermund is currently emeritus professor at Eindhoven University (TU/e), since Sept 2017. He was chairman of the Mixed-signal Microelectronics (MsM) group at TU/e from October 1999 to January 2017. He was born in Delft, The Netherlands, in 1951. He received his M.Sc. degree in EE in 1975 from Delft University of Technology and his Ph.D. degree in Applied Sciences from K.U.Leuven, Belgium, in 1987. From 1975 to 1992 he was with Philips Research Laboratories in Eindhoven. From 1992 to 1999 he has been a full professor at the EE department of Delft University of Technology, chairman of the Electronics Research Group, member of the management team of DIMES, and chairman of a post-graduate school. From 1992 to 1997 he was also consultant to Philips. October 1999 he joined Eindhoven University of Technology as chairman of the Mixed-signal Microelectronics group. From 2002 to 2012 he was member of the Board of the EE Department, with portfolio research. From 2009 to 2012 member of the supervisory board of the NRC Photonics research center. He was chairman of the board of ProRISC (the microelectronics platform in the Netherlands) from 1999 to 2012, and vice chair of IPN, the ICT-research Platform for the Netherlands, from 2000 to 2012. From 2001 till end of 2012 he was co-organizer of the yearly workshop on Advanced Analog Circuit Design (AACD). In 2007 he was member of an international assessment panel for the Department of Electronics and Information of Politecnico di Milano, Italy; in 2009 for Electronics and Electrical Engineering for the merged Aalto University Finland; and in 2012 for KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. He was a member of the advisory committee for Latvian Institute of Electronics and Computer Science in 2015. In 2004 he achieved the highest award for technical science in the Netherlands, the ‘Simon Stevin Meester’ award, together with 500.000€, for his scientific and technological achievements. He has over 700 publications, 30 books and is co-editor of another 12 books.
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