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Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences

The Album Academicum provides an overview of TU/e emeriti. Below is a list of emeriti, listed according to departments. For questions or suggestions, please see contact details below.
door C.W.T. Rikmans 4 maart 2025
Alexander Maria Christiaan Lemmens, born in 1955 in Heerlen, received a MSc degree in Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. degree at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). From 1987 to 1992 he worked at the University of Zambia as manager of the Technology Development and Advisory Unit (TDAU). In 1992 he started to teach Technology Assessment at TU/e. From 1996 to 2011 he was director of the Eindhoven Energy Institute and later involved in the KIC InnoEnergy. In the period 2002 to 2011 he was educational director for several BSc and MSc programs in different departments. In June 2011 he was appointed dean of the TU/e Bachelor College. In 2013 he was appointed full professor holding a chair on Academic Science and Engineering Education. He retired from TU/e in july 2021.
Prof.dr. C.J.H. (Cees) midden
door Jannelies Smit 24 november 2021
Cees Midden received a degree in Psychology from the University of Leiden in 1976. From 1978 till 1987 he worked as a senior researcher at the National Laboratories for Energy research in the Netherlands specializing in the perception of energy risks. In 1987 he became Associate Professor at the Psychology Department of Leiden University. In 1991 he was appointed professor at Eindhoven University, specializing in the interaction between humans and technological systems. From 1993 until 2013 he chaired the group Human Technology Interaction at TU/e. He served as dean of the department in 1994-1995. In addition, he served three periods as vice-dean. From 1993-1999 he served as the first chair of the TU/e program Technology for Sustainability. Prof Midden has been a member of various professional organizations such as the Society for Risk Analysis, the European Association of Social Psychology and the International Association of Applied Psychology. His research focus is on the social and psychological factors of human- technology interactions. He published extensively on environmental consumer behavior, on the perception and communication of technological risks and the adoption of technological innovations. Special topics of interest have been trust in sociotechnical systems, emotional and automatic components of judgment and behavioral choice, and the development of persuasive technologies and environments.
Henk Feitsma
door Jannelies Smit 26 mei 2021
Jan Ulijn
door Jannelies Smit 24 augustus 2020
Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences Naam J.M. (Jan) Ulijn (1944-2016) Emeritus Jean Monnet chair, Eindhoven University of Technology at Department of Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship and Marketing (ITEM), School of Industrial Engineering (NL 1995-2006) Emeritus professor at Open University of The Netherlands in International Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Culture (NL, 2006 - 2016) Jan managed to publish about 160 international scientific publications with his respective research teams, mainly at the Eindhoven University of Technology and the last ten years also at the Open University until 1 August 2016 (both in The Netherlands). The total 50 years of his academic career approach 1000 citations of this work with his team members (impact score 22.70), among who many colleagues at the above universities plus universities in the US, (2 years), Germany (15 years), China (total half a year) and France (5 years). He is very grateful to his employer in chief the TU/e and all his colleagues across several decades of joint teaching and research. The full list of publications and most of the PhD theses he could supervise as a Promotor can be found at the TU/e repository (Info from or His TU/e career included the following usual stages: assistant professor (1969-1980), associate professor since 1980 and promotion to the endowed Jean EU Jean Monnet Chair in 1995. Apart from this he was able to fulfill some other part time professorships in the above listed countries and other European ones as part of this TU/e chair. Wikipedia:
Bemelmans, Theo
15 juli 2020
Naam Prof.dr. Bemelmans, T.M.A. (Theo) (1943 - ) Opleiding/achtergrond 1968 : doctoraal bedrijfseconometrie/operations research aan de universiteit Tilburg Gepromoveerd op het onderwerp Researchplanning in de onderneming. 1973-1978 Information manager / divisiecontroller Océ van der Grinten, Venlo 1978-2004 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Diverse adviesopdrachten o.a. bij Twijnstra Gudde, Amersfoort en Het Expertisecentrum, Den Haag, een adviesbureau voor contra-expertises van grote overheidsprojecten. Benoeming aan de TU/e 1978 Faculteit Technische Bedrijfskunde (Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences) leerstoel: Bestuurlijke informatiesystemen en automatisering Aandachtsgebieden: systems and software engineering, strategic information planning, logistics systems, office automation, ketensystemen. management information systems. Intreerede 1978: I nformeren en beslissen Jaar van emeritaat 2004 Uittreerede 2004: Informeren en communiceren Publicaties Th.Bemelmans, Bestuurlijke informatiesystemen en automatisering, Kluwer Bedrijfsinformatie, Deventer, 1999, druk 7, oplage 2, pp.300 A.F.Rutkowski, D.Vogel, T. Bemelmans, M. Van Genuchten, Group Support Systems and virtual Collaboration: the HKNET project, Group Decision and Negotiation, 11 (2), 101-125, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Den Haag, maart 2002. Wikipedia:
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