door Jannelies Smit
31 juli 2023
In 1980 I received my MSc degree in electrical engineering (TU-Delft) and in 1992 my PhD degree in computer science (TU-Eindhoven). Most of my R&D work has been in industry: at Philips Research for 26 years, and later at NXP Research, ST-Ericsson, and Ericsson. From 1996 to 2023 I have been a part-time full professor in M&CS, specialized in parallel programming. My research is mostly on various models of computation (including theory, execution models, tools, and applications), resulting in more than 160 publications and patents [acc. to Google Scholar]: Asynchronous computing [1986-1996]. Result: so-called handshake circuits (my PhD thesis), applied in, amongst others, billions of chips for contactless smart cards. Embedded vector computing [1996-2006]. Result: an embedded vector DSP, applied in many millions of multi-standard [2G/3G/4G] modem chips for smart phones. Embedded multi-core computing [2006-2016]. Result: various HW and SW components applied in modem chips. Dataflow computing [2016-ongoing]. Result: StaccatoLab [= dataflow programming + execution model, related tools] and application studies in radio astronomy. Neural computing [2019-ongoing]. Result: contributions to neural-network inference chips for embedded applications, as part of my consultancy work for Grai-Matter Labs. Quantum computing [2020-ongoing]. Result: …