Prof.dr. K.M. (Kees) van Hee (1946)
Kees van Hee studied Mathematics, with Physics and Economics in Leiden. In 1971 he became assistant professor of Computer Science in Leiden. At the end of 1973 he moved to TU/e where he received a PhD in 1978. The subject of his thesis was Markov decision processes with incomplete information. After his PhD he became director of AKB, a consultancy firm in Rotterdam specializing in operations research and statistics. In 1984 he was appointed professor of Computer Science, in particular the theory of information systems. He focused on methods for modeling information systems and on intelligent information systems. In 1994 he became director of Bakkenist Management Consultants.
When this firm merged with Deloitte in 1999, he became a partner of Deloitte Consultancy. In 2004 he returned fulltime to TU/e and focused on analysis methods for information systems using Petri nets. From 2005 till 2009 he was Dean of the Mathematics and Computer Science department. Since 2007 he has been director of the Stan Ackermans Institute, which provides professional doctorate programs in design and engineering.
He published over 130 papers. He was first supervisor of 15 and second supervisor of 10 PhD students. Seven of them are professors today. He supervised circa 130 master thesis projects.