Henk Corporaal is Professor in Embedded System Architectures at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in The Netherlands. He has gained a BSc and MSc in Theoretical Physics from the University of Groningen, and a PhD (cum laude) in Electrical Engineering, in the area of Computer Architecture, from Delft University of Technology.
His research is on low power multi-processor, heterogenous processing architectures, their programmability, and the predictable design of soft- and hard real-time systems. This includes research and design of embedded system architectures, like CGRAs, SIMD, VLIW and GPUs, on accelerators, the exploitation of all kinds of parallelism, fault-tolerance, approximate computing, energy-efficient architectures for machine and deep learning, optimizations and mapping of deep learning networks, and the (semi-)automated mapping of applications to these architectures.
Corporaal has co-authored over 600 journal and conference papers. He supervised more than 50 PhD and 200 Master thesis students at KULeuven, TUDelft and TUEindhoven. Furthermore, he invented a new class of VLIW architectures, the Transport Triggered Architectures, which is used in several commercial products, and by many research groups. He participated in more than 50 projects. Among them he initiated and led the Dutch NWO perspectief program on Efficient Deep Learning (efficientdeeplearning.nl); in this program many research institutes and over 30 companies participated. He also is the PI of the EU project CONVOLVE (convolve.eu) on seamless design of smart edge processors, with 19 partners. For many years Corporaal was chair of the exam board of Electrical Engineering, vice-chair of the exam board of Embedded Systems, and Scientific Director of DTI, the Design Technology Institute from TUE and NUS (Singapore). For more details see http://corporaal.org and linkedin.